A post for my son
My friend's idea kind of triggered this post. So this one is for you Varun on your Second Birthday.
I hope you enjoyed the day. We didn't throw a party like most parents do. Soon you are gonna be dictating what the party theme should be, how the cake should look like, who should be invited and what goes inside the goody-bag. And we'll be all ears to that. Yes, last year we celebrated because that was the first anniversary of our parenthood.;-)
You are a great kid. I get a high everytime I say I am a Mom and I thank you for that. Someday I might brag or tell codescendingly that I quit my job to take care of you. But that would be a lie. I quit because I wanted to be with you. I don't think you needed me as much as I need(ed) you. So quitting was the only option. You are two today and in a few months' time you would head to school (albeit for a couple of hours) So I decide to go to a business school myself just around that time. You, in a very indirect way, helped me make that decision. Thanks again. I am a hyper-parent I agree. I need to be around for every milestone of yours but I am not that proud-parent-of bumper-sticker types. I haven't uploaded any picture of yours, never talked about any of your "achievements" proudly in this space but I hope at the end of the day you get to feel our "Unconditional love". Thats what matters. Now that I think of that post, I wonder if parent-child love is unconditional. If loving unconditionally gives the parents utmost pleasure, that cant be deemed a selfless act for sure. Varun, this post has turned out to be a little too sentimental than I had imagined. Moral is, be a good boy and be nice to me. After all, I quit my well-paying job to take care of you.:-)