Many single people who are not thinking of marriage, ask this question - "Why do people want to get married?" The ones around do research, think of personal experiences etc and come up with a few answers. And all these answers are analyzed and synthesized and they come to the conclusion that the reasons seem silly and that there is no good reason to get married. This is pretty standard.
And couples who are not thinking of having a baby ask - "Why do people want to have children?" "they are cute", "No, they are brats", "they are a delight", "No, they are trouble" and they go back and forth and the former dismiss all the reasons the latter gives as silly and they conclude there is no good reason to have a baby. This is standard too. Of all the reasons they give to support their theory of babies are redundant, the one I find funniest is that the world is already over-populated. Definitely funny.
Looks like it is still a fad for some to-be-married/just-married people to say "I am going to adopt a kid". Its a noble deed but the number of people who actually do it is so low that its negligible. I mean, the ones who do it are the ones who hadn't advertised thus.
This is definitely not what I had planned to post after India won the test series in West Indies but couldn't stop thinking about this after I read about kids, adoption etc.